When Madonna performed "Vogue" at the Super Bowl in February, she paid a fee of $3,750 each to the dead celebrity estates. When the tour was launched, the fee per star was upped to $5,000 per appearance, but Brando Enterprises' legal team insisted on $20,000 instead. An additional problem comes from the fact that each celebrighoul entered the agreement with a "most favored nation" clause. This means that they're all paid the same no matter what, and also that, if Brando's estate scores $20,000, all the other fees will have to be raised at the same quote, and the cost per show to include those images in "Vogue" could suddently raise to $200,000 total, give or take.
CMG sued Brando for breach of contract, and Brando's team have moved the case to a federal court in Indiana. CMG is asking the judge to keep their cost at $5,000 per appearance - which would still mean at least $300,000 for Brando's estate overall.
Brando Enterprises argue that Madonna has violated the actor's intellectual property rights during nearly 90 different shows: "Despite the fact that plaintiff is asking the Court to award it the Brando IP Rights for a mere $5,000, the true value of those rights in this litigation exceeds three-hundred thousand dollars."
For a complete report, please check The Hollywood Reporter.