Friday, August 9, 2013

Beyoncé Gets a Haircut | Latest news and trends online

Beyonce chops off her luscious locks and posts pictures of the results on Instagram. Check out article to see the singer's new hairdo!

But it's not like Beyonce revolutionized women's hair fashion when she decided to hack off her locks — 'cause as Kelly tells us, "We have been rocking short haircuts since the beginning of time." In fact, Kelly had a pretty short 'do way before

Beyonce chops off her luscious locks and posts pictures of the results on Instagram. Check out article to see the singer's new hairdo!

Hair chameleon Beyoncé Knowles is famous for her ever-hanging hair but I never thought the Halo singer would be so bold and go for the Miley Cyrus chop! Beyoncè has been blessed with a voluptuous figure of irresistible curves and in my opinion this

“I assure you Beyoncé's new haircut will be the hottest haircut to hit America since Jennifer Aniston's 'Rachel' hairdo,'' says Damone Roberts, a Los Angeles based makeup artist whose tweezers regularly work eyebrow magic on both Beyoncé and Madonna.


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