Sunday, May 18, 2014

Climate Change | Marie Taylor, Ink

A middle aged man in Bermuda shorts

pushes a white-haired woman in a wheelchair

along the path that leads to the pond

where today the ducks and geese float peacefully

beneath the high shooting fountains

whose spray is blown eastward in fine droplets

by the offshore winds which have finally arrived from the south

where great walls of fire and spiraling columns of flames

have been scouring up and down hillsides

in a feeding frenzy that consumes most homes but not all,

serendipitously sparing one or two to stand testimony

to what has been but now is no more,

and are now slowly receding from the banks of towns

and dry seas of grass that cover the undulating hills

which flow down to meet the metronomic waves of the ocean

while black clouds of ashy air chokes the throats

of birds and men and coyotes whose long residency

of this place once called the Land of Smoke

by earlier inhabitants will be over

when this purge of fire finally gives way to quaking ground

and the earth shakes her shaggy head

and reassembles the hills and canyon in new formations

while in the east, lands are swept by raging rivers

that topple towns and swiftly cover meadows

and to the south great shelves of ice plunge into Antarctic seas

which, a millimeter at a time, are creating new shorelines

that will in the days ahead make of Phoenix a harbor and Lake Erie a Gulf;

but until then a pale-winged butterfly, the color of lemon flesh,

lands lightly on a bright dandelion beneath the blue Madonna sky

that holds just one cloud that peeks over the horizon of trees

that edge the parking lot where a mother is calling, “Come on, let’s go!”

across the field and down to the playground

where two small children are climbing the monkey bars

and swinging in unison until she calls again,

“Hurry! Now!” and the four sneaker-clad feet race

to the black station wagon that waits, tail gate open,

bats and bikes spilling out on a mild and cool Sunday morning.


The Late News from