Saturday, May 24, 2014

Copeland: Because I'm Worth It - Off The Tracks


Because I’m Worth It


For Inga Copeland of Hype Williams it’s always – to a degree – been about exploring other areas and angles with hip-hop as a guide, as part of the process. So for her debut solo album under the name Copeland she’s using sample-culture and grime/dubstep backing tracks to make a slice of urban ennui that is the antithesis of the Lorde/Sky Ferreira/Grimes types and tropes and has more to do with Burial if anything.

But the opener, Faith OG X, rides a nasty sine wave for over a minute before ominous bass pounds signal what might turn into creepy rave music. That never happens though – and that is this album’s great strength: what you expect to (maybe) happen never does.

Advice To Young Girls might have been what happened if Burial had scored Spring Breakers. It’s the sound Madonna will try to catch up with in three or four years time. Insult 2 Injury has that Aphex skitter beneath almost hammy synth-patch swathes. Serious is a two-minute soundscape segue before Fit 1 brings to mind, again, a sound that Madonna might hope to chase; it’s Matmos making pop songs for any bored diva.

We eventually get toward the club diva shtick on Diligence, a pilfered Wu-Tang hook reminding of the hip-hop roots, a subdued version of M.I.A.

It’s a strange, fascinating half-hour, a murky world that’s worth swirling in if you’ve enjoyed anything from Hype Williams through to Oneohrix Point Never.


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