Friday, May 16, 2014

Wick on Neighbors - ViewGuide SAFER Movie Review

High concept meets high ass in Neighbors. Adolescent studs move in next door to immature new parents. Hijinks ensue, with lots of laughs, LOLs even. However, pervasive grossness keeps Seth Rogen & Nicholas Stoller’s movie from greatness, even by the standards of R rated comedies. F’ing Sarah Marshall it’s not.

Remarkably devoid of groaners, it’s overpopulated with assholes, the kind of party-before-everything dudes and babes that are fun in small doses but wear out their welcome over time. That’s what happens over 90 minutes of Neighbors. The main characters are so obnoxious that even though they’re funny as hell, legitimate disgust keeps complete enjoyment at bay.

Not that there’s not a dozen knee slapping bits, recognizable to anyone who enjoyed an indestructible youth, college especially, in a fraternity house ideally; or has been a new parent. Sounds familiar to me.

Rose Byrne = Fantasy Wife

  • Hotter than her hubby

  • Swears like a sailor

  • Parties like a rockstar

  • Mothers like a Madonna

Zac Efron & Dave Franco are the Jagger & Richards of fraternity brothers, President & Vice President of the hottest house on campus. Efron should be recognized as a weapon of mass female arousal. His wingman Franco – a natural at entitled masculinity – demonstrates a dick that rises on cue. Teddy & Pete, BMOC

Neighbors is a worthy successor to FSM and Get Him to the Greek, even if it doesn’t reach the same orbit.


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