Thursday, October 1, 2015

The GAR! Podcast: Comedy and Music | Biff Bam Pop!


The Biff Bam Pop! Podcast Network presents The GAR! Podcast, the Glenn Walker and Ray Cornwall weekly podcast where they talk unrehearsed about whatever happens to come to mind. It’s an audio-zine for your mind, a nerd exploration of a nerd world, coming to you from across the vastness of suburban New Jersey via Skype. This week, we’re talking about comedy movies, favorite comedians, and His Purple Badness, along with all the usual stuff. See and hear more after the jump.

In Episode 120, we’re talking about Charles Soule and his comic Letter 44, NaNoWriMo, Marty Feldman, our favorite comedy movies, our favorite comedians, the Popenado, Madonna, Prince, Tom Lehrer, Richard Cheese, Bill Simmons, and the City Paper. All this and more, including the ultimate heckler comeback, all right here.


Check out our latest episode here, also available on iTunes and Stitcher. We’re also on Facebook here and here, and on Pinterest. Contact us directly here.

You can check out the complete show notes and listen to the episode onsite here. We’d love to hear your thoughts and comments, either below or on the GAR! Podcast website, so please let us know what’s on your mind! Welcome to Episode 120 of The GAR! Podcast!


Enjoy, and until next time, GAR!

Glenn Walker is a professional writer, and associate editor and contributing writer at Biff Bam Pop!. A blogger, podcaster, and reviewer of pop culture in all its forms, he's done stints in radio, journalism and video retail. Ask him anything about movies, television, music, or especially comics or French fries, and you’ll be hard pressed to stump him or shut him up.


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